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“Work for a cause, not just for applause.” These words are very well justified by an entrepreneur who initiated something not just to earn profit but also to make difference in the society through entrepreneurship. Mr. Kanchan Jha got an entrepreneurial idea to change the lives of many and viewed entrepreneurship as a means of developing and changing the lives of people, not just making revenue. With this concept, He established “Himalayan Jewelry”- a special type of jewelry handcrafted by the skilled deaf jewelers or trafficking survivors of Nepal. It is jewelry shop which designs aesthetic jewels with simple materials like copper, silver, brass, natural turquoise, kyanite, and garnet. These jewelry are then sold to people to earn revenue out of which the jewelers are paid and money is reinvested in the business to further develop the skills of the women.

It is a small initiative by Jha to help these women build a career for themselves and not let their disability or past be a barrier. HJ employees a total of 13 women out of which ten are survivors of human trafficking and three are mute artists. ‘Himalayan Jewelry’ provides different kinds of training on jewelry making and designing through experts in their jewelry workshop. Women with various types of disabilities are taught to build their capacity, empowerment, self-confidence, and self-esteem to live a dignified life. Every piece of jewelry that is created in the HJ workshop signifies the hope and resilience of its crafter. “Our products will provide the customers with the knowledge that their purchase will benefit not only themselves but many other Nepali men and women in need,” mentions Jha. 

Image source: Facebook

HJ has been in operation since 2011, which allows the women the skills to produce beautiful jewelry as well as the knowledge and experience to predict what will sell on the market. The beauty of these jewelry lies in their aesthetic designs that reflect the life, beauty, and struggle of the Nepali people.

Himalayan Jewelry has three main lines available for order: Nepali ReflectionsSacrosanct, and Sunmica. They make their jewelry with unique concepts where Nepali Reflections shows the flora and fauna of Nepal, Sacrosanct are all based around a flower or star design and Sunmica reflects Nepal’s natural beauty with a picture of the landscapes, architecture, and personality found throughout the country. In this way, they depict the beauty of Nepal through these simple jewelry, which is sold both nationally and internationally.

Image source: Facebook

Jha highlights that though HJ began with a small vision and initially making this idea happen was very difficult, they now have established themselves as a successful firm with their patience and true dedication. This organization also employees two managers who have a broader vision for HJ in coming days. They aim to achieve Fair Trade Certification, higher-end market, higher quality materials and more of jewelry-making training sessions.

Currently, HJ is led by Sano Paila (NGO) which is also run by Jha. HJ soon plans to control its own finances and run the business internally where all the artists will be shareholders and will be able to make their own decisions for the company.

The story of Himalayan Jewelry and that of Kanchan Jha himself justifies the fact that entrepreneurship is not just about making money, it is about making a change in people’s lives, a change in the society. Jha says, “Success is not a one-shot thing. It is a continuous process. You may falter quite a few times along the way but there will be light at the end of the tunnel and you will surely reach there someday.” So, the message he leaves for entrepreneurs today is, “Work to make difference in the world and make difference in people’s life. Exercise compassion and always trust yourself in whatever you do.” Hence, entrepreneurship for a cause is one of best forms of entrepreneurship and is required in our country to make an overall change.